Monday, November 28, 2011

#112 Living under a shadow - Are you ready?

Many youngsters nowadays depend heavily on their parents, to the extend that it might seem they aren't able to stand independently if *touchwood* any bad things happen to their parents. Girls in particular, would require more attention compare to guys because girls are practically more fragile. Emotionally and physically.

What if i were to treat you RM3 each day and when i need money urgently that you will fork out RM50k for me.

Can't? Can't you?

How about we make it the other way round.

How about you treat me RM3 each day and when you need money urgently, I give you RM50k just like that.

Sounds too good to be true? But its true. Furthermore, the amount you gave me, can be refunded back to you.

Its just like paying your EPF but you're getting more benefits!

The Malaysian Government is using people's hard earn money , both from taxes and EPF to feed cronies to veil no returns. So its better to invest in something more reliable, more secure. Don't you think?

I have the right thing just for you, females. PM me on facebook for more details. Thank you!