Friday, December 9, 2011

#113 - A little bit of this, a nothing of that.

Recently I've been involved in a couple of collaboration events with the other FBF societies in UTAR. Everybody is great, the best bunch of people that i can meet in a square feet per idea ratio. Everybody is bombing each other with ideas. It is Awesome.

But then, there is another case, in every organizing committee there are different department in charge of different things. For example, logistic, refreshments, ceremony, decoration and of course the all Marketing perception related profession - Publicity. Of course, marketing is about spreading the word, building the brands but then now i really know the difference between marketing and advertising.

We, me, i, marketers. We are the thinkers, the brain, the idea, the system that formulates marketing strategies, tactics on how a brand/event is brought to light. But then, its the advertising people that is creative-filled, photoshop-skilled that make all we marketers strategies come true. (thankyou advertisers!)

Sadly,  the jobs i get all required creative work which is really, really not my thing (not business student's thing at least). Others that are also with me under the publicity department also lack this skill. We can only think of strategies - What to do. BUT not HOW to do it. So thats the lines that we lack to connect the dots.

Having to face this, over time, i've picked up some photoshop skill through self learning and experiencing it first hand. And i tell you, image editing isn't easy, it takes time - at least for it to achieve some sense of perfection. Some end products might seem easy but the work behind it can be astounishing.

People in FBF really lack creative cell including myself, but i hope, in future to meet people in FBF that are good in image editing. Of course i can always find my advertising friends but they are too "busy" - really busy and false busy,  to participate in my kind of activity. Though my observation, people that are good in creative work are the most important asset that we need in FBF(at least).

Despite getting so busy from all of these, but i enjoy, i enjoy the things i get to do, i enjoy the challenge i meet, i enjoy the people i get to know and the things i,we,me can achieve. They give me the kick i need to face the future. So this will be what my univerisity life is gonna be about.

My question is.

How about yours?